BRED Group launches whistleblowing platform

The platform is now operational.

All BRED Group employees can now exercise their whistleblowing right to report any conduct or situation that is contrary to the BRED Group of conduct or the law in general by issuing a report on the BKMS System platform, which can be accessed from any terminal (computer, smartphone, tablet), whether professional or personal.
This tool guarantees the confidentiality of the whistleblower, the facts and the persons concerned. The information exchanged is encrypted and stored in an independent secure environment.
The reports issued are only accessible by the Ethic Officers in charge of processing the reports. Thanks to the tool, you can detail the facts and exchange with the referent, via a secure dialogue box.
Please find below a tutorial on how to submit a whistleblower report:

You can also find all details regarding BRED Group’s whistleblowing procedure here:

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