Created in 2020, the BCI Corporate Foundation for Equal Opportunities pursues several objectives, including that of offering young Caledonian talents the opportunity to follow advanced studies in Metropolitan France, in particular by providing financial support. The Foundation is proud to announce the names of its first four laureates: Nicole Bourebare, Kimberly Dao, Oriane Nyikeine and Lisa Nguyen.

The jury of the Foundation, made up of members of BCI but also of other organisations involved in the training of young Caledonians, considered many profiles before selecting this first year’s winners.

Four profiles stood out for their educational background, their motivation and their willingness to participate in building the New Caledonia of tomorrow. The candidates were selected on the basis of several criteria including the choice of their studies, their income and their wish to return to Caledonian territory at the end of their studies in Metropolitan France.

Each winner presents a different professional objective and sector of interest, ranging from tourism to entrepreneurship, to commerce and the banking sector.

BCI is proud to be able to accompany and support these students in their pursuit of excellence alongside BRED, which is closely involved in this process.

Olivier Klein has also said of the BCI Corporate Foundation:

BRED Group and I are proud to be involved in an initiative such as that of the BCI Corporate Foundation.

We firmly believe in the values of diversity and co-education and have been working for many years to promote equal opportunities.

The latter is a contributing factor to economic performance and a catalyst for innovation and societal progress. It is therefore essential to invest in the development of new skills and in promising students, particularly in a territory like New Caledonia, in order to contribute to the strength and prosperity of the local economy.

With its international network, BRED can offer Foundation laureates real exposure to the world of work and concrete experience in the banking sector, in particular by offering them internships or work-study programmes during their studies.

Laureates are supported by professionals from BRED group who are concerned about the successful integration of young people within the company and the development of their skills. The missions entrusted to the selected students are rich, varied and adapted to their course of study.

“The bank without distance”, strongly anchored in its territories, stands alongside BCI in this human and forward-looking adventure.

I would like to warmly congratulate the four laureates selected for this first round of support from the Foundation; I wish them great success in the future.”

BCI and its Corporate Foundation once again congratulate Nicole, Kimberly, Oriane and Lisa. All our employees wish them every success in their career and are proud to support them on this new adventure.

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