We are thrilled to be a part of TOPEX 2023 as the Platinum Sponsor.

The event provided great opportunity for our team to showcase our brand, build network and connections while participating actively in discussions on issues and challenges that affect the private sector today.

The event hosted over 380 delegates from over 200 organizations who were Chairpersons, CEOs and Executives. TOPEX 2023 facilitated unparalleled opportunities for sharing, learning, networking and meaningful engagement.

This opportunity was strategically used by BRED Bank to launch our 4 minutes International Corporate Video which showed that the BRED Group extends from the South Pacific to Europe via Asia and Africa.

The video showed our 9 international subsidiaries and the banking support they provide to build lasting, high value-added relationships.

The audience were amazed seeing the strength of the BRED Group and this became the ice breaker for every conversation with our team present at the conference.

“We shall play our part to make Fiji’s business arena attractive for investments. BRED Bank is making such strides – we are showing our confidence in the economy of Fiji by the investments we are making to expand our business.”


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