The BCI mentors the graduating class of 2025 of the EGC South Pacific

The EGC South Pacific’s “Welcome Week” (School of Management and Business) ended on 17 February with the signing of a partnership agreement making the BCI (Banque Calédonienne d’Investissement) the mentor of the graduating class of 2025, composed of 44 students who joined the school this year.

This three-year agreement was signed by Isabelle COUPEY, Deputy Managing Director of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) and Frédéric REYNAUD, CEO of the BCI, in the presence of all the students of the new class.

Mentoring a class represents the highest level of commitment of a company to the school and commits it to participate actively in the highlights of student life. On the second day of the new school year, the BCI welcomed the first-year students in groups for an entire day at its “Victoire” branch. Its General Management and its staff, some of whom are former EGC South Pacific students, took the time to present the bank’s entities and professions to the future graduates of the EGC Bachelor’s degree.

These partnerships, which ensure that EGC students have a programme that is in phase with economic realities and the expertise required by companies, also demonstrate the determination of professionals to contribute to the training and recruitment of their future employees. The BCI has committed to accompany the students for three years, by facilitating the participation of its executives in the teaching programmes or by taking part in project presentations, so that they can benefit from its expertise as the number one local credit institution, at the service of Caledonians for 30 years.

Aware of its place in the New Caledonian economic system and concerned about responsible and sustainable activity, the BCI created in 2020 its BCI Corporate Foundation for Equal Opportunities, which supports the education of young New Caledonians. By mentoring the graduating class of 2025 of the EGC South Pacific, “synonymous with excellence and the future”, the BCI is once again demonstrating its commitment to offering students opportunities and taking its full part in the economic development of the territory.

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