Team BRED honoured by the visit of President elect Na Turaga na Tui Macuata, Ratu Wiliame Katonivere soon after the announcement

It was an honor and an privilege for the BRED Bank team to meet and congratulate Ratu William Katonivere, a Prime BRED Bank customer, Tui Macuata and now the President elect for the Republic of Fiji, as announced in parliament today.

Ratu Williame visited the BBF Head Office soon after the announcement, it was a greatest privilege for the team to meet him. Ratu Williame is an evangelist of the BRED Bank brand. He is the only customer of the Bank that flew to Paris to attend the 100 Years Celebrations of the BRED Group in 2019. Ratu is under the care of Senior Business Relation Manager, Isikeli Vukikomoala, who has managed his account with the true BRED spirit.

Picture caption: Ratu Williame Katonivere in Paris with BRED Executives in 2019

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