Strategy Days at BBF

Corporate Banking Team held a strategy day to plan objectives, discuss challenges and brainstorm on solutions & ideas to take the Bank forward. Managers and Senior Managers of the Corporate Banking team participated in this session. 

The team adapted an informal brainstorming session, hosted by Deputy CEO & Head of Business Development – Rajesh KUMAR at his residence. 

Branch Managers converged at the Uprising Resort to map Retail business objectives, exchange ideas freely and explore potential solutions. 

Each manager was assigned a topic to present on within the allocated time of 30 minutes which included a brief introduction of themselves as part of “know your colleague” exercise. 

Head of Retail – Susie DAVID said it was an opportunity to refresh and foster greater inspiration for innovative ideas and at the same time enhance communication and presentation skills for the Managers. One of the key discussions was on Digital Optimisation Strategy as this is about providing value and deriving value from our customers. 

The sessions enabled health communication and discussions among the Managers and a lot of positive ideas came out. 

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