New BRED ATM in Veisari, Lami

Picture Caption: (L-R – Rajesh Kumar Deputy CEO and Head of Business Development of BRED Bank Fiji, Ahrum Sungdo Operations Manager True Mart and Thierry CHARRAS-GILLOT CEO of BRED Bank Fiji) 

BRED Bank launched an ATM at the new True Mart Complex of Grace Road in Veisari Lami.  

The ATM was officiated by the CEO of BRED Bank Fiji, Thierry CHARRAS-GILLOT, Deputy CEO & Head of Business Development of BRED Bank Fiji, Rajesh Kumar and True Mart Operations Manager, Ahrum Sungdo.  

While officiating Mr. CHARRAS-GILLOT said the launch of this ATM is part of strategic objectives of the Bank which is to provide Banking Without Distance. It simply means making access to our services as convenient as possible. This ATM will be available 24/7 and will benefit ten thousand plus population within the vicinity together with the commuters along the Queens Highway. 

On behalf of the Grace Road company, Mr. Ahrum Sungdo thanked BRED Bank for the partnership and investment. “The BRED ATM at our complex is a value add to our customers who come to enjoy a wide range of services available here. BRED EFTPOS is also available for customers at our Supermarket, Service Station and Restaurants. 

In addition to BRED cards, the ATM accepts ANZ and all major international cards such as Visa, Mastercard and Union Pay. Customers can make cash withdrawals or credit card cash advances and enjoy other services such as mini account statement, balance checks, transfer of funds between BRED accounts etc.” 

BRED Bank customer, Mr. Suveer Datt of Realtech Fiji said the new ATM was strategically located along the Highway. As a regular commuter between Suva and Navua, I find this ATM to be very easy to access with ample parking space and out of traffic congestions. He took the opportunity to thank the Bank for its continued investments to make banking convenient and easy for customers like him. 

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