James Hudson’s Farewell Message

There is something uplifting about a story with a happy ending.

Often when we start a new story, we have high hopes for the ultimate happy ending but there is no script to foretell with any certainty where it will take us.

That was definitely the case for me when i started working for BRED in December 2007, almost 13 years ago. I had absolutely no idea where i would be taken.

For me, this story actually had its beginning much earlier when i was sent away to boarding school in Australia. From that moment onwards, there was always a very strong desire to come back home.

As the years passed, whilst working in various countries in Europe and Asia, I always kept ear to the ground in Vanuatu for a way to come back but never found the right opportunity – that is – not until BRED came along.

With BRED, I then had my most casual job interview ever – I was in beachwear including thongs and Darryl in his trademark shorts and singlet. The rest is history!

Wind forward to now, in some respects looking back, my story already had happy ending the day i come back home!

But things only got better ans better working at BRED and with you all! I have loved both the professional challenge being part of building and growing BRED to well where it is today as well as the comradery of working with you all, wich i feel very grateful.

You have all given me the opportunity to learn so much along the way and also helped me to get back in touch with Vanuatu and its strong community culture.

So i have my happy ending and I thank you all for that! I look foward to seeing you aroung in the future and hearing where you are in your story.

If I am to leave one final message it is this : Write your own story and start with the end, that way you know where you will end up (and that it will be a “Happy ending”). Do not wait for someone to write your story for you”

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