Global day of personal data protection

January 28 is World Data Protection Day.

The European Council launched this initiative in 2006 aiming to sensitize citizens to the rights of personal data protection and privacy. The data protection day is now celebrated worldwide.

Indeed, data circulation is global and doesn’t stop at the EU border. Thus, following the European GDPR, similar laws emerge in other regions of the worlds.

As a natural person/an individual, this regulation applies to our professional as well as private day-to-day life. We must do everything we can to protect BRED Group and our clients.

The example of the call for tenders process for our service providers

Like any company, we contract with service providers. To properly analyze their data protection system, a questionnaire is sent to them. Analyzed by the DPO, this questionnaire makes it possible to measure the risk taken and thus guide our choices.

The countries which this service provider works and subcontracts with, will impact our assessment.

If you wish to have an exact and up-to-date view of the position of countries in the world with regard to data protection, we invite you to visit this page of the CNIL/ Data protection around the world

 To go further:  Data Privacy website of the European Council (

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