BCI Corporate Foundation for Equal Opportunity

BCI has always been committed to the New Caledonian community. The BCI is determined to become increasingly involved in the development of its territory. In order to participate in the development of local skills, it created its Corporate Foundation in 2020. Its mission is to offer the opportunity to talented New Caledonians to follow a course of excellence in mainland France thanks to financial support, and who will then have the skills and experience necessary to participate in the construction and development of the New Caledonia of tomorrow.

Through its Program of Accompaniment to Excellent Graduate Studies (PAESE), the Foundation wishes to provide the territory with qualified and competent young people who are willing to invest in the economic life of their country.

In addition to financial support, which complements existing government and provincial aid, BRED wishes to offer real professional training opportunities to the winners, by providing them with sponsorship from senior executives of BRED and the BRED Group. International mobility via internships, work experience in a recognized group, mentors in different establishments: many advantages are available to students thanks to the support of BRED, which is very involved in training and in the economic and social development of the territories in which it operates.

The BCI Corporate Foundation is also committed to helping high school students find the right career path. Through its Orientation Program (OP), the Foundation will be able to promote the plurality of professions in the banking sector.

The BCI Corporate Foundation is based on three strong values, reflecting the ambitions of its founders and illustrating the societal component of the CSR strategy implemented by BCI:

• Diversity : New Caledonia is a country with a rich cultural diversity that is highlighted through the Foundation. The Foundation is committed to creating a true equality of opportunity by offering each young Caledonian the opportunity to integrate a program that looks to the future and is based on one of the country’s main values

• Excellence : the Foundation seeks to enhance the value of young New Caledonian talent by offering them the opportunity to perform in their chosen field and to achieve excellence. As everyone knows, value does not wait for the number of years.

• Dévelopment : by combining diversity and excellence, the Foundation wishes to offer new perspectives on projects and the future to students wishing to invest in the life and development of New Caledonia, thanks to their expertise, experience and skills.

On the subject of these values, Frédéric Reynaud (President of the Foundation and General Manager of the BCI) added: “diversity, excellence and development are the values promoted by the BCI Corporate Foundation for Equal Opportunity, in line with the actions and values of the BCI, which has been working alongside Caledonians for more than 30 years.

Frédéric Reynaud and the members of the Foundation’s Board of Directors, as well as all BCI employees, are proud to participate in the development of New Caledonian talent and in the construction of the New Caledonia of tomorrow.

For more information: www.fondationbci.nc

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