Charitable actions of BRED Bank Vanuatu

1/ BRED Bank Vanuatu Supports NDMO

BRED supports NDMO (National Disaster Management Office) with 75,000VT.

This year the International Disaster Risk Reduction Day (IDRRD) was at Eton Village, east Efate and celebrates how people and communities around the world are reducing their exposure to disasters and raising awareness.

The NDMO celebrates the IDRR Day showcasing the importance of Disaster Risk Reduction, educating people on the early warning systems. How each person has a role in taking the early warning action to reduce Disaster Risk in their respective community.

The IDRR Day celebration was held over three days.

2/ BRED Bank Vanuatu donates to new VCH dental clinic

BRED has made an in-kind donation to the new Vila Central Hospital Dental Clinic.

The new dental facility at Vila Central Hospital (VCH) is nearing completion. BRED has donated furniture and electronic appliances to be used in the new dental clinic Kitchen.

This facility is an essential service in promoting oral health of Ni-Vanuatu people and residents.


BRED has sponsored FIFA World Cup 2022 Live Tv Coverage. Thumbs up experience.

Football is the most popular sport in the country. Therefore, with a lot of fans looking forward to the 22nd edition of the FIFA World Cup.

It is fitting that BRED assists VBTC to provide Live TV coverage of the World Cup to the people of Vanuatu.

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