BRED Private Bank releases a new multi-currency account management offer in France

BRED Private Bank released an innovative and unique multi-currency account management service for wealthy clients who regularly travel abroad or manage their monetary assets in several currencies.

A simple offer: a single bank and a single bank card, with no exchange fees.

Simplified management. With BRED Private Bank multi-currency account management, customers can manage their available monetary assets in the eligible currencies of their choice, in addition to the euro, from their BRED application. These are the US dollar, the Canadian dollar, the pound sterling, the Swiss franc and the Israeli shekel. There is no need to hold one or more additional accounts abroad.

One card with no exchange fees and no foreign transaction fees. As soon as a currency is simply activated by the customer on his application, payment and withdrawal transactions carried out abroad with the BRED card are directly debited, without exchange fees, from the account in the corresponding currency and are exempt from the associated bank charges. The BRED card is therefore multi-currency.

Well-controlled management of their multi-currency assets. Customers can build up interest-bearing savings in foreign currencies and benefit from all the management features of term accounts in the currencies of their choice. They are also exempt from the fiscal obligation to declare accounts held abroad since they are opened in France.

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