BRED Bank Vanuatu participates in Survivor Games 2022

The Survivor Games 2022 had a huge success in terms of turnout. Large number of businesses house enrolled their teams to participate in this team building exercise that was staged on a beautiful sunny day in Port Vila. 

The purpose of the games is to raise funds for ProRescue, an emergency service rescue operation, which is made up of volunteers, who tirelessly put hours of training in each week for no reward except the knowledge that they’re ready to serve the community in time of need. They usually respond to road crashes, industrial or domestic accidents etc. 

BRED Bank Vanuatu had two teams taking part in the Survivor Games 2022, each team consisting of 12 members. The two teams took part in a series of games which require teamwork to be successful. All in all, Bred Bank Vanuatu Staff had a great time and winning in couple of categories. 

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