BRED Bank hosts lifesaving heroes

BRED Bank Cambodia gave the National Blood Transfusion Centre a real boost on 29 March 2023 by hosting a staff blood donation day at its Head Office on Norodom Boulevard.  

The bank, which has more than 350 people on its staff nationwide, got lots of colleagues to give blood for the first time by producing an engaging marketing campaign encouraging them to ‘BE A HERO, SAVE LIVES’.  

Our staff are great people – that’s part of the reason we employed them in the first place,” said Nicolas Hollanders, Chief Executive of BRED Bank Cambodia. “We knew that they would rise to the challenge and we knew that they would appreciate just how important it is to give the blood that is required by our hospitals here in Cambodia.”  

Although blood donation is a safe and straightforward procedure, donation rates in the Kingdom fall well short of World Health Organisation targets.  

We’re delighted to be able to do our bit for the community,” said Mr. Hollanders. “All of our team are heroes for taking part. Each precious donation helps to save lives and we’re extremely proud to have been able to facilitate the visit of our friends from the National Blood Donation Centre today.” 

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