Bred Bank Fiji launch capital increases to enable the growth of its international network

BRED Group is carrying out capital increases of nearly USD 36.5 million for its subsidiary BRED Bank (Fiji). This contribution is intended to accelerate the development of its international network in Fiji.

The doubling of its capital from USD 36.5 million to USD 73 million will give BRED Bank Fiji the means to boost its growth in all market segments, including corporate and institutional financing.

BRED Bank (Fiji) now owns around 7.5% market share, which has grown steadily since its creation. BCI New Caledonia, in which the BRED Group holds a stake, is participating in this capital increase.

Supported by dynamic local markets, BRED Bank (Fiji) will rely on these capital increases to further disseminate the global customer approach and value-added advisory model that define our motto “Banking Without Distance”.

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