BCI Corporate Foundation for Equal Opportunity – The Talentis Program

BCI, historically anchored in the New Caledonian landscape and committed to the development of the territory, created in 2020 its BCI Corporate Foundation for Equal Opportunities.

The aim of this Foundation is to offer the most deserving young New Caledonians the opportunity to follow a course of excellence in mainland France, and then return to help build the New Caledonia of tomorrow, through its PAEGS program: Program of Accompaniment to Excellent Graduate Studies.

For the first class, four laureates were lucky enough to benefit from this program, which covers: round-trip airfare, tuition fees, an installation bonus, as well as assistance with the admission interview and the cost of registering for competitive exams.

In addition to these financial benefits, which enable everyone to pursue higher education despite the sometimes prohibitive cost, the Foundation also offers internships and work-study programs in the BCI/BRED network and participation in coaching workshops.

In 2023, the Foundation hopes to launch its Orientation Program (OP), which will help high school students find their way to the right career, freeing them from stereotypes of success.

To be selected to join the PAEGS program, candidates must present their application to the Foundation’s jury and discuss their motivations and career wishes.

Shortlisted candidates (up to 15) will receive coaching workshops before presenting their educational and professional projects to the BCI Corporate Foundation selection panel. The winners (up to 4) will then benefit from coaching before their oral admission tests in Metropolitan France.

In order to provide the best possible support to its candidates, and then to its winners, the BCI Corporate Foundation has called upon the CCI, a leading figure in training and skills development in New Caledonia.

This is why these two organizations have signed a partnership agreement to create a tailor-made course for the candidates of the BCI Corporate Foundation: the Talentis course. This course will be piloted by the EGC (South Pacific School of Management and Commerce) and led by several expert trainers.

Workshops and individual coaching (more than 20 hours of training for each participant) will offer candidates the opportunity to identify their strengths and areas for improvement, while developing their soft skills (personal skills) and their storytelling.

We would like to thank the CCI and the EGC, who are accompanying us in this great adventure, through this unique course built especially for our candidates: Caledonian talents, future actors of tomorrow’s country.

More information on https://www.fondationbci.nc/

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