Adaxtra Capital and Promepar AM visit New Caledonia

Photo from left to right – Aurélien BERNARD (Head of BCI Private Bank), Charline TAFANI (Personnal banker), Olivia FAIVRE D’ARCIER (Director of Investor Relations ADAXTRA), Mélissa BELPADRONE (Personnal banker), Marc Favard (CEO, PROMEPAR Asset Management), Nelly DABIN (Personnal banking Assistant), Audrey BRAHIM (Personnal banker)

The BCI Banque Privée teams had the pleasure of welcoming Marc FAVARD – Managing Director of Promepar Asset Management, Frédérique TOURRADE – Manager at Promepar Asset Management and Olivia FAIVRE d’ARCIER – Director of Investor Relations at Adaxtra Capital to New Caledonia for a week.

The BCI Banque Privée took advantage of their visit to organise several moments of special exchanges with clients and prospect clients from the Territory, as well as with the BCI’s staff.

A Due Dil* conference bringing together 130 BCI clients and employees was also organised on the theme “how to manage your savings in 2023”.

Marc FAVARD, Olivia FAIVRE d’ARCIER and Frédérique TOURRADE were able to share their expertise and sound advice with the audience during the conference, but also during the evening and the cocktail party. These exchanges were greatly appreciated by all the guests.

Some of the BCI staff were also able to attend a one-day BCI Private Banking seminar, which covered topics such as a market point focusing on “interest rates”, the extended BCI offer (management mandates and Promepar AM funds), an extra-financial point (ESG) with ad hoc savings solutions, a market point on the private equity sector, the identification of client profiles for investing in private equity, the interest of private equity for the client and for the banker; the 10 differentiating points of the Adaxtra Sélection fund.

Promepar AM, Adaxtra Capital and BCI Banque Privée in New Caledonia were also given good media exposure:

  • Olivia FAIVRE d’ARCIER, Marc FAVARD and Aurélien BERNARD – head of BCI Banque Privée – spoke on RRB (local radio station) on the theme “In a global economic context that has been turned upside down, what solutions should you use to invest your money”: listen to it on,
  • Otherwise, Marc FAVARD took part in an advertorial in the CCI Info (magazine of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of New Caledonia) which will be published very soon.

The BCI team, and in particular the General Management and the BCI Banque Privée team, would like to thank Marc, Olivia and Frédérique for their attentiveness, their availability and their valuable advice throughout the week.

*The due diligence phase allows us to evaluate and validate the strengths of a potential investment. It is in this context of due diligence that BCI Banque Privée regularly organises conferences reserved for its clients on various investment-related topics.

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