A new headquarter for BCIMR

On Monday 1st March the President of the Republic of Djibouti, Ismail Omar Guelleh, in the presence of Olivier Klein, CEO of BRED inaugurated the new headquarters of BCIMR, the main bank of Djibouti for over 100 years.

Located on the “Plateau du Marabout”, the new headquarters of BCIMR is a 5-storey building.

This new headquarters is intended to reflect the image of what BCIMR represents for Djibouti. A leading bank that contributes to the development of Djibouti as a privileged financial partner of the private sector as well as public institutions.

The BCIMR also carries the subject of banking inclusion by regularly extending its services to an increasingly wide circle of customers. It thus participates in a better integration of the population of Djibouti in the economic and financial circuit.

Finally from an international perspective, BCIMR relies on the BRED group to relay the benefits offered by Djibouti to foreign investors. An asset particularly highlighted during the recent visit of the head of state of Djibouti in France when BRED supported the assets of Djibouti as a financial and commercial center in the context of President Guelleh’s audience with the national confederation of French employers (MEDEF).

“This new headquarters is an image worthy of the bank’s employees: professional, competent, dynamic, modern and demanding on the quality of service. This is also what we are trying to defend: the differentiation that allows us to remain the country’s leading bank for a long time to come” Olivier Klein, CEO of BRED.

“The BCIMR is a powerful bank, the first bank in Djibouti to serve: the country, Djiboutians, major projects like young entrepreneurs. “Régis Barriac, CEO of BCIMR

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