A look back at the “BCI, Leading Bank” convention

At the end of August and after several years of health crisis making travel complex, the BCI had the pleasure to welcome Mr. Olivier Klein in New Caledonia for a few days. As on each of his visits, the program was dense and rich in meetings.

It was an opportunity to exchange views with key players in the New Caledonian economic world during a conference on the theme of “Inflation, rates and debt”.
His analysis of the global and New Caledonian situation aroused great interest among the participants, as well as among the listeners of one of the local radio stations on which he appeared during an economic program.

The BCI took advantage of the visit of the General Manager of the BRED Group to organize a customer evening, and its biennial convention the following day, which had been postponed for a year due to the health crisis.
This convention brought together all the BCI agents present on the whole territory of New Caledonia.

It was an opportunity to discuss the theme “BCI, a leading bank”, to take stock of the CAP22 strategy implemented since 2019, and to discuss the major issues to come.

Numerous projects have been carried out as part of the CAP22 strategy, such as the implementation of the electronic signature and the customer relationship management tool called IMPACT, the BCI Corporate Foundation for Equal Opportunity, the launch of the Club Mouv’ for customers aged 16 to 25, the release of the first extra-financial report, and the continued modernization of the branch network and headquarters.

BCI employees were also able to enjoy a speech by Olivier Klein after bidding farewell to Jean Bourrelly, Deputy Chief Executive Officer who has since joined BRED Cambodia.

This convention, placed under the sign of sharing and reunion, was followed by a cocktail reception and a dance party.

It was also an opportunity for Frédéric Reynaud, General Manager of BCI, to unveil the new BCI corporate film.

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